There are various health benefits with essential oils that can help certain symptoms of endometriosis. All essential oils contain a multitude of chemicals which have different beneficial health effects on the body, both physical and emotional. Aromatherapy is used by many with endometriosis to help with pain, insomnia, inflammation, and menstrual cramps.
Effects of different oils
The reason essential oils have various specific affects on the body is due to the complex chemical make-up of the oils. These oils can act on a cellular level and certain oils can be very powerful and can destroy viruses and bacteria.
How essential oils affect different bodily systems
Stimulating oils
(for low blood pressure and lack of energy)
Basil, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, peppermint, pine needle, rosemary, thyme
Relaxing oils
(for emotional or physical tension)
Cedarwood, bergamot, chamomile, clary-sage, cypress, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang
Anti-inflammatory/Healing oils
(especially beneficial for endometriosis sufferers)
Benzoin, bergamot, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lavender, myrrh, patchouli, rose
Anti-spasmodic oils
(for period pains, muscle cramps, also beneficial for endometriosis sufferers)
Black pepper, cardamom, chamomile, clary-sage, fennel, ginger, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, orange, rosemary
Anti-depressant oils
Basil, benzoin, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, petitgrain, rose, ylang ylang
* You will note that many oils have more than one benefit.
How aromatherapy can help with endometriosis
Endometriosis symptoms can be helped with aromatherapy and they can help to support the entire system. It is well known that many oils will help to boost the immune system, and will help to keep infections at bay. For example, when Lavender oil is used in a burner, the vapours from the oil in the air can kill air-born viruses on contact - like cold and flu viruses.
Some oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, can aid digestion, and help with insomnia. There are many other uses for essential oils that will help those suffering endometriosis including:
Here are a few essential oils and how they can help endometriosis
Clary Sage
This oil is very beneficial for helping to balance hormones. When applied daily, Clary Sage can gradually help regulate hormones, which is of real benefit for those with endometriosis. It also contains antispasmodic properties that make it helpful for relieving minor pain from cramping.
One of the causes of pain with endometriosis is inflammation caused by the endometrial tissue that is found mostly in the pelvic region. Eucalyptus can help provide relief by reducing this inflammation. The analgesic properties in eucalyptus also provides additional relief from pain and inflammation.
Frankincense can help with several symptoms of endometriosis, including inflammation, balance hormone levels, help with PMS and cramping.
This oil has many impressive health benefits and is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory substances available. Women who use it to help with endometriosis have found it to help receive pain as well as inflammation. This oil also helps reduce scar tissue and helps speed wound healing. Research has shown that copaiba essential oil can decrease endometrial growths over time. (1) You will find more details about the benefits of copaiba oil for endometriosis HERE
How to use essential oils
The use of aromatherapy can provide good support for those suffering with endometriosis. You can use the oils in bath water, and have a soak last thing at night, using a specific oil to aid with sleep. A hot relaxing bath with oils is also of great benefit when dealing with severe menstrual cramps. You can also add some magnesium salts to you bath water as these are great for helping with muscle cramps.
I would suggest that you purchase a few basic essential oils to have around the home. Lavender is the key oil to have as it has so many uses and benefits. Always purchase good quality oils, and try to get ones which are organically grown if you can.
You only need to use a few drops of oil at a time, so they will last quite a long time. Keep them stored in a cool, dark place. There are plenty of small hand-books and more comprehensive books available to give you guidelines on which oil to use and for which purpose.
Over the years I have found aromatherapy to be very beneficial for both health and beauty purposes. For those women who do not want to use commercially produced body and face creams because of the negative chemicals they contain, you can make up your own preparations using essential oils. I personally use Almond oil as a base oil, and then add whatever essential oils I choose, to make up a body oil and a bed-time face oil.
You can use essential oils in the following
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About the Author
My name is Carolyn Levett, the Founder of endo-resolved - I am an Integrative Health Coach having studied nutrition, naturopathy, aromatherapy as well as being a published author. I used to suffer from severe endometriosis and was able to regained my health and heal from the disease with the support of nutrition and natural therapies.
My motivation is to help other women with endometriosis to heal their bodies so they may overcome this awful disease without having to rely on toxic drugs and surgeries which can cause further damage - with healing thoughts, Carolyn.
(1) Copaiba oil reduces endometriosis