Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Endometriosis and chronic fatigue syndrome

by Polly

I have had endometriosis for 22 years. 16 years ago I got diagnosed with Chronic Fatique Syndrome. I haven't been able to work for four years now and I live a life pretty much in poverty.

A few years ago I was tested for food intolerances and I am allergic to caffine, lactose and all grains except oats. Its expensive for me to buy food that doesn't have these things in them.

I met a great man 2 years ago who loves me and wants to take care of me, we want to get married and have kids but we don't have the money as he is self employed and I can not work.

I am worried about the fertility issues and want to get married as soon as we can as we don't want to try for kids outside of marriage. Now I am depressed because endometriosis has not only taken my health, my ablity to be an independent lady, but also my dreams of a wedding and children.

Help me ladies, I am at the end of my courage.

NB. Studies have shown that Chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies are a consequence of endometriosis, but my doctors have never heard of this. I would tried to educate them but I don't have the energy.


Name: Anonymous

Title: You can do it!

Be encouraged! I am 32 years old and have known that I have endometriosis since I was 20. Since then I have been diagnosed with Narcolepsy, Fibromyalgia, Dejenerative Joint Disease, Allergies, Roseacea, etc. There are days that I drag myself to work only able to brush my teeth and hair and put on my clothes. By the time I get to work I usually feel better and will take my make up with me and put it on there.

Some mornings I'm praying all the way to work for a good day. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. I don't currently have any children. My husband and I aren't in a rush to have them and feel that if we are to be parents it will happen when it happens. If we don't have kids then we will enjoy our time together and take lots of vacations=)I'm leaving that in the Lords hands because he knows what I can handle.

I don't want to be a barely there mom physically or mentally. I can't change the hand I've been dealt but I can learn how to live inside the parameters of my illnesses. Do what you can when you can. Don't beat yourself up but don't give up either. Get out, be productive and live your life.

Every day may not be a banner day but it will be a day that you took control of your life and decide if you are going to push yourself to get up and get out or take a nice needed rest and rejuvenate. Small steps and small victories are giant leaps for people like us. Be proud of yourself and stay strong.

Name: Anonymous

Title: Hope you feel better soon!!

I understand. I have had severe dysmenorrhea since I was 17 yrs old and finally had endometriosis diagnosed in recent years. I have struggled with my health, but have fought through the years.

I collapsed over 3 and a half years ago and it is a slow process of recovery. They say I have CFS. I am 42 now, with no man in my life, and due to energy levels I really hardly ever go out... but amazingly I have been through a spiritual transformation and I know I can trust God with my life even though some days do feel desperate.

All I have come to know is that although some things may not be ok, somehow in Jesus things are made ok, (even if the pressure in society says something else). That's something I couldn't see before, but it's been like a light bulb going on. Amazing!

I understand the desire for a lovely wedding, but one thing that someone has told me ... is that getting married doesn't have to cost much, although it can be difficult going for a low key day when you have dreamt of more. But that's so wonderful you and your partner have found each other. Congratulations to you! I hope that you find the right way thru for you and I wish you a wonderful life together.

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