This is list is for those who want to follow an endo-friendly diet which is gluten, dairy, wheat, sugar and soy free.
You can adapt this list if you do not want to go gluten free, or have no problems with lactose. However it is recommended to omit gluten and dairy as many are seeing benefits with reduced symptoms of endometriosis pain. This is because dairy and gluten can cause inflammation which will worsen your symptoms of pain.
This suggested endometriosis food list comprises the essentials to have as basic supplies in your cupboard. You will then obviously be adding additional foods with your weekly shop of fresh produce like fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and other perishables.
You can download the Shopping list ..... see bottom of the page
You probably have some of these in your food cupboards already. The following is a list of the main cooking ingredients to have in stock for the endo diet. You will no doubt add to these as you go along, as you find recipes that require specific ingredients.
Note - The endometriosis diet is not a vegetarian diet - meat is allowed but you really need to stick with white meat like turkey and chicken as red meat will increase the negative prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation and make your symptoms worse. If you can afford it, try to eat organic meat as it will be free of the unwanted hormones and chemicals that are often used in modern intensive farming.
Endometriosis diet grocery list
Basic ingredients for your food cupboard
Dry foods
Liquid Foods
Health food stores
Have a good look round your local health food store. Many of these stores are now selling items like - gluten/wheat free breakfast cereals, Almond milks, Rice milk, Coconut milk, breakfast/mid-morning snacks. Some stores also sell ready meals, alternative spreads for toast like mushroom paste. Just ensure to check ingredients for soy proteins, wheat powder/flour and gluten.
Other ingredients
The other items you need will be purchased as and when you need them, like fresh produce, fruit, and vegetables. Frozen veg is fine as these maintain a reasonable level of nutritional value, but aim to purchase from the freezer in your health store as these should be organic and not covered in sprays and pesticides etc.
Other items you might need
Get a supply of those little freezer trays/containers with lids for freezing separate portions to use later when you have done any bulk cooking. It is a good idea to produce some meals in bulk so you can freeze portions which you can use when you are having a bad day with your endometriosis.
A food processor is a good idea - it takes the hard work out of the preparation for some recipes. If you can afford it, a juice extractor is great - then you can have freshly made juice that does not waste any of the fruit, and obtains as many nutrients and enzymes as possible.
DOWNLOAD .......
You can download the Shopping list here which includes a small selection of recipes to help get you started:
You can unsubscribe anytime - no problem but I may send you some more diet advice or recipes when I find something really tasty!
About the Author
My name is Carolyn Levett, the Founder of endo-resolved - I am an Integrative Health Coach having studied nutrition, naturopathy, aromatherapy as well as being a published author. I used to suffer from severe endometriosis and was able to regained my health and heal from the disease with the support of nutrition and natural therapies.
My motivation is to help other women with endometriosis to heal their bodies so they may overcome this awful disease without having to rely on toxic drugs and surgeries which can cause further damage - with healing thoughts, Carolyn.