Extensive endometriosis was finally found after Georgina was left waiting in hospital for two days before given treatment and a laparoscopy found endometriosis all around her abdomen
This is Georgina’s story ….
After 5 years of pain, I now have some answers! I have been to the doctors so many times, same with the hospital, over the last 5 years. But I was always sent away with no answer, I was told I was fine, all they said was I had IBS which I’m sure you have all been told the same. On one occasion I had blocked bowel, they sent me away with constipation tablets.
I have not met one doctor or nurse that has not let me down they all have.
I was once rushed into hospital with mind turning pain on Monday the 4th of May. I spent the night in A and E and then was moved to a gynaecology ward. I will not even go into my bad treatment right now, so moving on, I then had an eternal examination and was later given a bed and told I would have a scan later that day. No-one saw me then until this scan.
I was left in pain for about 7 hours, but like I said I will not go into that.
I then got taken for my scan, it showed I had a cyst on my right ovary and free fluid. So I was taken back to the ward and left again until the next morning. A doctor came over and said that I should not eat or drink because she was going to take me to surgery. I waited all day with no food or drink, only to be told just after dinner that I was not having surgery and I would be given pain killers and sent home.
I was gutted once again, I was being pushed away with no answer, needless to say I kicked up a bit of a stink and after about 1 hour of crying and shouting the doctor agreed to make a appointment for me on the 24th of May.
It still was not what I wanted but better than nothing. He told me to stay one more night and go home the next day. But the next morning after yet another sleepless night from pain, the doctor came in and had decided to do surgery that day (I really do not know what changed his mind). So once again I’m nil by mouth and waiting for surgery.
The surgery was only supposed to take an hour at the most, but I was asleep for nearly three hours.
When I woke up I was in a lot of pain and I was kept in recovery for another 3 hours after the operation. The next day I found out what had been destroying my life for so many years.
They told me that they had removed the cyst on my right ovary and that my left ovary and tube had been damaged due to this illness. I also had endometriosis everywhere else including next to my bowel and intestine, hence the blocked bowel the year before !!!
Amazing what you can find when you look! This disease as you know was endometriosis and right now, I don’t know how to feel. Happy I know what it is, sad cause I will probably not have any more children, lucky that I had 2 children while young before this got bad, angry at every medical person who has let me down, scared of how bad this is going to get.
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