These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.
by Emma
With absolutely no symptoms which would arouse suspicion of endometriosis, I approached my doctor simply with complaints of feeling bloated, and the presence of a solid lower abdomen when I lay on my back.
Scans showed two large cysts, one on each ovary, one cyst being the mass of a large watermelon. It was not until an operation to remove these that the endometriosis was discovered, with 2 pints of brown endo fluid taken from the larger cyst.
Now that doctors are aware of my condition - a very extreme case given that I built up such large quantities in only 7 years of having menstrual cycles - I am now on medication to control my hormones and try to prevent any regrowth.
For anyone reading this who has concern for their future fertility, I write this as a 19 year old who has been through the mill with this disease, yet doctors (plural!) have assessed that it is likely I will be able to have biological children of my own. No promises, but hope and likelihood.
Reading through this site, the conclusion of endometriosis makes perfect sense as I consider it as an auto-immune disease, with the fatigue I would experience, the lower back and head aches...
I wish there was a more routine way of checking for this disease among women of all ages. Although predominately found in older women, endometriosis can be all the more devastating in a younger girl as it is extremely difficult to deal with emotionally.
Thank you to this site for anwering so many questions and offering up great advice. Even just writing this out is like therapy. Good luck to fellow endo-ees!