Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Improvement of symptoms with diet

by Sherry

My endometriosis symptoms used to be very, very painful with my periods and at other times of the month as well.

I would feel sick and nauseous before and during my periods. I had bowel problems with constipation most of the time and then for a few days before my period I would get diarrhoea.

I would get insomnia and it would come and go in spells and then go away again. I would get more and more exhausted, more irritable, and would make all the other symptoms worse.

A also had huge problems with bloating all through the month. Some days my belly would look huge and it was very painful. It seemed to come on about 2 hours after eating so I figured this must be linked to what I was eating.

I started to make changes in my diet and started by leaving out gluten. This seemed to help a bit. I then thought it a good idea to do a detox and cut out just about anything nasty from my system. I felt dreadful at first, but then once I had cleaned out I started to feel better, less sluggish, and much fewer symptoms of pain and bloating.

So I now follow the diet that is advised for endo and so far so good. I have much fewer symptoms of endometriosis, much less pain and I sleep better too. So I am sticking to this diet and I have noticed if I stray from the diet with coffee or wheat then I feel sorry for it a few hours later.


Name: Diane

Title: I also feel better on the diet


I have had stage 4 endometriosis diagnosed and I also used to suffer from terrible pain for most of the month.

Because of this disease and taking time off work I lost my job. I also lost most of my friends, my family did not understand what I was going through and I could not hold down any relationships.

Over the past few years I have had 3 laparoscopies, been on various drug treatments and nothing helped long term. I was desperate.

I found out about the diet on the internet at someone's endo blog and looked into it further. A lot of the information made sense when it was explained.

I have been following the endometriosis diet for nearly 4 months and I feel so much better. I started by cutting out gluten and dairy and that helped a little.

It helped to have advice one the internet and I read more about the diet and have cut out all the bad stuff which is mentioned on this site.

I am really noticing the improvement in my health as well as having much less pain, less bloating. I have more energy and feel I can start to get my life back on track.

The difference in my health is quite noticeable, and I could hardly believe that something as basic and simple as diet could improve this awful nightmare of a disease.

I hope you other ladies reading this will give it a try. God bless :) and take care

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