Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Learning to Live with Endometriosis

by Chelsea Jones
(Johnson City, TN)

I grew up understanding what endometriosis. When I started having periods I was told what my mother and aunt knew about it, every female on their side of my family had it. I was actually diagnosed when I was 16.

I had cysts rupture so many times that it wasn't funny (Polycystic ovarian disease). I had one rupture in class where someone had to help me to the nurse because I couldn't move hardly. Once I was on the floor in my bedroom unable to move or speak, my dad was in the living room, I called my mom and aunt asking what to do when it stopped and was told to get into a warm bath to help.

I did that, and while on the phone with them the pain happened again. I threw my phone and again couldn't move or speak, my dad had no clue this entire time. This is what sent me to the doctor, it was a cyst, but they set me up for emergency surgery. This is when I was diagnosed, I was 16 when I was diagnosed.

I have now had five surgeries, this past one was awful. Not to mention I only had a fifth surgery because my fourth surgeon did things he shouldn't have, one being he put mesh in me and for the past couple of years every time I moved to fast or stretched the mesh tore.

Endometriosis has destroyed my life. I don't know what to do when it comes to dating because I hate to start with "I have this disease" because more guys go running than those who stay. Plus there's the I might not be able to have kids, probably won't actually due to all of the issues that I have.

But this is my life, and I do what I need to to deal. I have learned everything I can about this disease, even written papers on it, and now see a specialist so I know my doctor knows what he's doing. I can deal with this disease, I have people who are here to help me through this, I have a doctor who cares, and I am a fighter.

All of us who have this, and I type this part while crying, we are fighters. We are women who live our life, try to live a full life, try to go to school and have a career that we love, we do holidays, we have families, we love life in general plus each other, and we fight a disease that (that unlike cancer most times) has no cure and in our lifetimes may never have a cure.

I look forward to my future, some days will be bad/awful, but others will show how much I am worth and how much strength I have. I hope you all see this for yourself too.

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