Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

nearly 30 years of Hell

by Scabbydog1

I was diagnosed at 14 with grumbling appendix and suffered for several years with this 'con' of an explanation and not being properly diagnosed.

At 23 and after collapsing and being rushed into hospital and being told the 18 month constant period loss I had been having was "not normal" as my doctor had been telling me and grumbling appendix did not exist.

I had surgery and was found to have Endometriosis which had crushed my ovaries and I was then infertile. My world fell apart at that point, but I dug my heels in a decided it would not ruin my life.

Unplanned and unexpectedly 6 weeks later I was pregnant :) I had a little boy 8lb 2oz. 10 months later pregnant boy 8Lb 6oz. 3 months later sterilised :):)

24 years later and many surgeries, cauterisations,
and ablations later I am now facing a hysterectomy
and for the first time I don't know what to do for the best.

Do I hope the hysterectomy will help and go through with it, or do I say no and keep suffering.

To all the ladies out there that are living this nightmare every day, I understand that it may only be a temporary solution but after having this all my adult life even some reprieve is a godsend as you all know.

What do we have to do before they really do some work on this subject and find out why it happens, or at least how to treat it. I know my mother had endometriosis and I am glad I have had boys So I don't pass it on to them.

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