Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Stage 4 endometriosis

by Endochick
(Denver, Colorado 80202)

I am so excited to have found your endometriosis site. I've been going through a rough patch, and was so happy to have received the invitation to join your group.

I started with horrible pain in the 5th grade - but endometriosis wasn't a common condition at the time.

I have wide spread endometriosis including on: bladder, bowels, tail bone, endometriosis on nerve endings/nerve pain, abdominal area, endometriosis large nodules wide spread throughout my body and under the skin, and rectum (can hardly have a bowel movement without pain, including the intense pain that comes with bowel movements. Severe pain symptoms daily, the very worst during ovulation and period' scar tissue, adhesions, and various cysts and cyst ruptures (monthly).

Over the years, my endometriosis has gotten much worse -- trying all the options from laparoscopy surgery, and it just grew back again and again (even worse); Lupron (horrible time in my life); birth control pills (just feed the endo with synthetic estrogen), so the endometriosis spreads like wildfire; endo feeds endo, so it spreads quickly; plus birth control pills caused panic attacks as one of the side effects (synthetic estrogen is the enemy) as it just feeds the endo, which feeds on existing implants, and the more it spreads.

I have tried various medications like NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory drugs). Ponstel is one that I use - and was developed as a prescription to help with painful ovulation and periods. That said, narcotic medication has been the only option that has worked for me.

I have a wonderful doctor who treats my severe endometriosis, with narcotic medication, and for that, I am so lucky!

I have a wonderful husband! I have been married for 15 years -- and he is still hanging in there with me. It is not easy to have a spouse go through watching their wives, but can't really help. My husband is a chef, so I have help with eating right -- and he goes to all my doctor appointments.

He even runs to the pharmacy for my RXs. He is always there for me, but it is hard. Intercourse is horrific - so much pain. And yet, he stays with me. Cares for me, loves me. But I know that this disease has not only hurt me, but has hurt him too - all his hopes and dreams that won't come true because I have this incurable disease, including being infertile due to endometriosis.

Thank you for letting me share my experience! Hugs to all you brave women!


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