Successful Pregnancy using Traditional Chinese Medicine

Successful pregnancy with endometriosis using Traditional Chinese Medicine

This success story is told by a practitioner of Tradition Chinese Medicine of how she treated Emily for her endometriosis and the outcome was a successful pregnancy after trying for five years


‘31 year old Emily presented to the clinic with a chief complaint of painful periods and trying to conceive with no luck for five years. She was accompanied by her husband, and appeared very shaky and upset. She had had a diagnosis of endometriosis from her gynaecologist. She had two surgeries; a D&C with myomectomy, and laparoscopy to remove adhesions on her ovaries and uterus 13 months after the first operation.


She had just completed her third intrauterine insemination attempt after twelve cycles of Clomid, all of which failed. She stated that she was very sensitive to the effects of exogenous progesterone. She was discharged from her latest reproductive endocrinologist's protocol because she refused to receive any more injections. She said the stress of the fertility procedures was driving her insane.


Her menses began at age 17 (late menarche indicates a weakness of the kidney's reproductive function); they have always been painful. The pain typically lasted from two to 12 days, beginning soon after ovulation and continuing until the first couple days of menstruation. She bled around five days, the bleeding was heavy, dark red to black in colour, with clotting. The menstrual blood got progressively lighter from days one to six, starting off black going to heavy crimson with clots and toward the end became orangey and watery.


Then the blood sometimes became brown and scanty at the end, and sometimes remained up to ten days. There was excessive pre-menstrual tension, breast tenderness, and acne. She often suffered from yeast infections and vaginal discharge. She became extremely fatigued around ovulation to the point of physical exhaustion. She had low back pain before and during menstruation. She experienced loose stools and pain with defecation.


     Many symptoms

Emily had a very stressful occupation. She also stated that she had excessive facial hair, although none was observed. Her fallopian tubes were clear as per her gynaecologist’s report. She reported chills, cloudy urine, frequent urination, frequent urinary tract infections, chills, low energy, dizziness, fatigue, excess thirst, insomnia, irritability, unclear mind, anxiety, heart palpitations, fear, sadness, uncontrollable crying, aversion to cold, much phlegm production, nausea, bloating and gas, irregular heartbeat, numbness in her arms, cold hands and feet, lack of strength, thin skin, easily bruised, broken blood vessels, dry skin, brittle nails, and low sexual energy. She got dizzy when she stood up and had poor night vision. Her ears rang occasionally. She had extreme emotional liability.


Emily was thin and appeared frail, but agitated. She clenched her teeth and spoke as if she was going to cry. Her husband was always ready to console her. She wasn't sure if she could handle acupuncture because she was "very sensitive to needles." Her pulse was superficial and taut. The kidney aspect of the pulse was very deep and weak.


I diagnosed Emily with liver depression, qi stagnation, depressive heat, spleen qi and kidney yang vacuity, blood stasis, and liver and heart blood vacuity (perhaps due to, but definitely complicated by the stagnated qi and blood). She lived out of town, so we were going to have to devise a treatment plan that would require her presence at the clinic only once per month.



I decided not to try acupuncture on her, but gave her and her husband instruction on dietary therapy, breathing exercises, and massage techniques. I gave her a formula consisting of various herbs.


After the first month Emily reported that she had slightly better energy throughout the entire month (as the qi stagnation was resolving), but she still had frequent night-time urination and a lot of thirst (heat signs). Her pain, though, was diminished. Her pulse was now taut and rapid, but still weak. The second month I gave her a formula consisting of a different selection herbs. This formula spreads the liver qi, strengthens the spleen, nourishes the blood, and clears heat.


She reported after the second month that she had almost no pain before or during menstruation. She continued to experience improvement over the next three months, until no pain was felt on or after ovulation. Her moods improved as the pain diminished.


     Successful pregnancy

Emily began charting her basal body temperature after she began her herbal treatments. Her basal body temperature changed from a saw-tooth, erratic pattern to a biphasic, healthy hormonal cycle. Six months after her treatment began, Emily and her husband decided to try another insemination. She did not experience the extreme emotional liability with this procedure, and they became pregnant.  They are now the parents of a healthy young son.’



What has been the most successful treatment for you?

Share with others the best treatment you have personally found for your endometriosis. Was it by finding an excellent surgeon, or maybe using natural treatments? How many different treatments have you tried before finally finding something that works?

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