Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

The Quiet Deadly Disease

by Ruth
(Cornwall, UK)

Hello to you all. My name is Ruth & I am 40 years old and also childless.I started my period when I was 11 & thought pain, heavy periods & blood clots were normal! I spent days off from school, uni & work.

I have suffered for years in complete ignorance of this disease! One morning at the age of 38 I awoke to the worst pain in my life. I staggered out of bed, sat on the loo & couldn't release my bladder either. I was in so much pain, i thought i was going to die. I passed out on the loo, hit my head on the side of the bath, fell to the floor and had a strange seizure fit. I was taken into hospital with suspected appendicitis.

I had a laparoscopy which confirmed stage 4 endometriosis and a cyst on each ovary. Both cysts were the size of footballs. I had laparoscopy surgery to remove the cysts & remove some endometriosis, release organs from bowel wall Sept 2013.

1 cyst was in my back as there was no room in the front I guess. I lost 10lb in weight & instantly felt as if i had a new body. I had so much energy for life!! Football cysts- yiks!! My husband and I decided to try naturally for a baby. My fallopian tubes had naturally unblocked which was confirmed on a HSG test May 2014.

Then all of a sudden I was in the most horrendous, crippling pain again. I asked for a full bladder scan, cyst returned on right ovary size of grapefruit. Pressing on ureter to right kidney which is dilated. Organs again stuck to bowel wall.

Facing 2 stage surgery and 6 mths of those horrible drugs!. No way..... it is the endometriosis diet for me! I have read all your stories. I am so glad to have found you all. My advice...well, considering I was told it was the worst case they had seen & it was most likely that I've had it since birth!

No.1 BE HAPPY, make every day count. This is your life, so live it the best you can. No.2 If you are childless like me, make the most of yourself. Be nice to yourself & treat yourself. You deserve it! No.3 I am lucky to be loved and have total support from my husband who is also willing to go on the endometriosis diet with me. I am truely lucky! Cherish every day and be positive. My love to you all, Ruth x

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