Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

This endometriosis pain is all I've ever known!

by Nicole

Undiagnosed endometriosis symptoms for years ...

I had my first period when I was 9 years old. I have always had extremely bad periods. I thought it was normal. I watched my mother cry in pain before during her cycles. That made me positive it was normal. WELL IT'S NOT!!!

I started going to the OBGYN when I was 12 for a yearly check up. I had reoccurring blood filled cysts constantly. When I was about 15 he decided to put me on the birth control pill. He said it would regulate my cycles and take care of the reoccurring cysts.

Well...I got pregnant (even though i was still taking the pill) at 16 (almost 17) and after I had my baby, the symptoms stopped for about a year. They unfortunatly came back but it was worse.

Then at 18 I got pregnant again. During my pregnancies I never had the pain. After my 2nd child the pain started about a week after delivery. And they were worse!

I am now 27 years old. I went to the ER about a month ago because I could not urinate or anything due to excrutiating pain. When I would stand up, it felt like all my insides where going to literally fall out because of soooo much pressure.

The doctor at the ER had me transported to a Women's hospital 2 towns over from where I live. I was in there for 2 days. They didn't do much. Just controlled the pain. I had an appointment set up for the following week to see my doctor. That's when I got diagnosed with Endometriosis (FINALLY).

Same pain, same symptoms I have always had since I was 9 years old! I am sharing my story because I want you to know that painful periods are not normal. I dealt with mine for 18 years not knowing any better.

It just kept getting worse and worse. I don't have insurance or enough money to get the hysterectomy he said I needed so I am still currently struggling with Endometriosis.

If you are having heavy bleeding or extremely painful periods please dont take it as being normal. Go get checked out. It can affect day to day living. It can affect keeping a job. It can affect your relationships. It can affect your outlook on life. I truly hope this has helped someone.

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