Endometriosis story

  These stories can help other women so they do not feel so alone when trying to cope with effects of this disease.

Endometriosis has returned after hysterectomy

by Tomika
(Raleigh, NC)

I first had an ablation in 2008 and less than six months later I had to have a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Both were unsuccessful, and I have been in more pain than when I initially had either procedure done.

I am 39 years old currently and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2006. I really wish I had sought other advice and done more research before having a hysterectomy.

I truly believed that this was the last resort and this surgery would alleviate the majority, if not all of my pain. I am so frustrated, as well as disappointed. I just want indefinite relief.

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Surgery for Severe Endometriosis

by Tracy
(andrews texas)

In 2003 I was having a lot of female problems. Heavy bleeding all the time and constant pain and problems with constipation. I was going to the doctor off and on for the next several years.

Finally in 2006 they did a vaginal ultra-sound and said that my uterus was enlarged and said there was a possible chance that I had Endometriosis.

A month later with a lot of pain symptoms they did another Sono and I was told that my uterus had prolapsed. I had a partial hysterectomy. It was found I had severe Endometriosis around my bowels and uterus ( that's what caused my uterus to prolapse)

My doctor said I had some cysts on my ovaries but other than that they were fine. He suggested that since I was only 34 to keep my ovaries so I wouldn't have to take hormone therapy.

Now in 2013 and 41 years old, I just had surgery to remove more Endometriosis as well as my ovaries. The doctor said I had a lot of Endometriosis implants and he is positive that it was all removed.

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Would not have surgery for endometrisois

by Sienna Dunn
(Wisconsin )

I didn't have regular endometriosis pain symptoms but I was noticing some issues with my bladder - needing to go more often. 7 months ago I was in agony with my period but the period after that was fine.

Something felt not right and during an exam my gyno found a mass on my ovary. An ultrasound was inconclusive for cancer so they went in to remove ovary and uterus which had multiple fibroids.

They found a lot of endometriosis and were peeling it off my bladder, ureter etc. I ended up having a total hysterectomy. And I'd never do it again. A girl I know (24 yrs old) had endometriosis everywhere and she removed all processed food from her diet - no sugar, no gluten and the endometriosis started disappearing. She's having a baby this month.

Do everything you can to avoid a hysterectomy. Using narcotics regularly would be better than putting your body through that kind of surgery.

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Hysterectomy three years ago due to endometriosis

by Tiffany
(Benoit's Cove, Canada)

I have had 28 surgeries for endometriosis.

It was so severe that I would vomit and pass out for over a week every month. I also had cervical cancer.

The doctor was shocked how I didn't get to be diagnosed with a laparoscopy, as it grew down my cervix.

I still have severe pains at time in my stomach but am not sure if this is due to endometriosis. The doctors have advised me that I may still get it after hysterectomy because of the severity of the disease.

I can say that I don't have the debilitating pain I once had, so, it was worth it for me just to be rid of some of the pain.


Name: Becky

Title: So sorry to hear what you have been through because of endometriosis

Oh my God - 28 surgeries. How have you kept going through all this. And I have to ask why have the doctors been so willing to keep operating on you over and over again.

I would think that each surgery could only make matters worse by adding to scar tissue. The way doctors treat us makes me so angry.

I do feel for you and all you have been through.

All the best

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Endometriosis and endometrioma

by Sharon Mashburn
(Fairbanks, AK)

My endometriosis was so bad it would bring me to my knees. I bled for over a week at a time. I was miserable. When my doctor opened me up she said it was like a bomb had gone off inside me.

I had scar tissue all over everything. My small intestines were bound, my bladder was wrapped and squeezed. She informed my family I must have been in a serious amount of pain regularly.

My ovaries alone were full of chocolate cysts. So for me a hysterectomy was the only way to relieve the situation.

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Full hysterectomy now after two years experiencing horrible pain

by Vandi B

Severe endometriosis found after years of suffering

I had horrible, debilitating periods since I was 12. Not until I was in my late 20's did my OB/GYN consider something might be really wrong. I had laparoscopic surgery, but within a year, it was just as bad.

I had cysts on my ovaries, a mass that turned out to be benign, but endometriosis was everywhere. My husband and I had tried for years to get pregnant, and it was as they said after surgery a one in a million shot.

I had no chance, and therefore went through with another surgery to have a complete hysterectomy. The first was to remove as much endometriosis they could.

Now it has been almost two years, and I feel like I did before. It's so scary! The pain is completely overwhelming and I take hormone replacement which is killing me.

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